Today Idan woke up late and said he was very hungry. He had a big breakfast and took his morning oral meds. Then climbed back into bed and did not want to do anything but watch his YouTube clips (Once Upon a Time… Life– an educational cartoon about the body). He fell asleep in bed a half hour later and then continued to sleep for 5.5 hours. We had to wake him after 5pm so he did not sleep the whole day. I guess in true teenager form his body is doing a lot of growing (mostly his bone marrow), and he needs his rest.
During dinner (awake and starving, just like a teenage boy…), Idan insisted on playing his new favorite song over and over again. We all had to listen to Stressed Out by twenty one pilots. Every time the nurse walked in she would say “this song again? I love this song!” Teenagers!
His counts have continued to slowly come in over the past three days, and his ANC has climbed to 138. We closely watch this number as we hope to see a slow increase over the next week or two with the goal of getting to above 500 for three days in row, which will tell us that he has engrafted. We also started to wean him slowly on his pain meds and we will see how he handles the lower dose.
Tuesday will mark two weeks since transplant day, and three weeks since we checked into the hospital. We are all feeling the stress of isolation and long repeated days. It’s only fitting that we keep listening to Stressed Out! But, all things considered, everything is going well so far.