Apparently, new-found freedom and normal kid activities come with normal kid injuries!
Idan fell off the playground today and broke his wrist. We took him to the ER at Cornell (a few too many flashbacks as we walked right past the same room he was first taken to 4 years ago when he had PCP). As usual, they took very good care of him there. We had our pediatrician call ahead to let them know he was post-transplant and they cleaned a room for him and had it ready within minutes after we arrived. Idan spent the first few hours in a lot of pain until they could do the procedure to move the bone back into place and set a cast. Idan was stoic as usual, and put on his brave face as he got poked and prodded right where it hurt. The procedure to set the bone was successful, and the doctors expect the bone to heal nicely.
After a long and exhausting day in the ER without being able to eat until 6 (at which time he gobbled down a PB&J sandwich), Idan was able to come home just in time for a nice chocolate treat for dessert.
Hopefully, we are looking at only a few weeks of this cast. Once his bone heals nicely and fully, he can finally get back on track with kids activities.
Idan- you are the bravest kid I know! Which playground was it? I’m sure your strong bones will heal quickly and you will be back in the playground in time for summer! Love and hugs from Seattle- Nomi